Modul 1 releu 12V, actionare high level / low level
Modul 1 releu 12V, actionare high level sau low level prin intermediul jumperului

Modul 1 releu 12V, actionare high level sau low level prin intermediul jumperului
Tensiune de contact: 240VAC / 30VDC 30A
Intrare: 12V high level trigger
Dimensiuni: 50 x 33 x 24mm
Indicator luminos de alimentare (verde), indicator luminos de stare a releului (rosu)
4 gauri de fixare cu diametru de 3.1mm; distantele intre gaurile de prindere 44.5*27.5mm
Curent static: 5mA
Parametri tehnici (versiune releu / curent repaus / curent maxim / curent de declansare / tensiune de declansare high/low):
12V 5mA 80mA 2-4mA 0-4V 4.5-12V
Module interface description:
1.DC+: module DC power supply positive pole (trigger terminal voltage positive pole)
2.DC-: Module DC power supply negative pole (trigger terminal voltage negative pole)
3.IN: signal trigger terminal (the default trigger voltage is the same as the power supply)
4. JD+: Relay control terminal voltage positive
5. JD-: Relay control terminal voltage negative pole
6. DC+ and JD+ are shorted with a jumper cap, DC- and JD- are shorted with a jumper cap, and the trigger terminal has the same voltage as the relay control terminal
7. High and low level trigger mode selection - when the jumper is connected to the L terminal, the IN terminal is a low level trigger, and when it is connected to the H terminal, it is a high level trigger
8. Normally closed terminal (NC): relay normally closed terminal
9. Common terminal (COM): relay public terminal
10. Normally open (NO): relay normally open